Pastoral work

Caring for the souls of our neighbors

Caring for the souls of others is a deeply human trait. We all live in relationships, and we do care if our neighbors are doing badly. This is already pointed out in the New Testament: here people are supported, admonished, comforted and restored. Helping people in need and offering hospitality are also elements of biblical care for others.

According to the Reformed understanding, all people are called to such care for the souls of others,  whether they are family, friends, neighbors, colleagues at work or fellow club members. At the same time, Reformed pastors have a pastoral mandate, and are contact persons for all people in their congregation.

Special pastoral care

Over time, in addition to general pastoral care in the parish, specialized pastoral ministries have developed, often combined with a special pastoral office. This includes pastoral care in hospitals, care centers and psychiatric clinics, at train stations, airports and in shopping malls, in asylum centers and prisons, for the police and emergency services, for people with disabilities and for those working in palliative care. Pastoral care is becoming increasingly important on the Internet and in social networks.