
The joyful feast of Christ’s Resurrection

Easter is the oldest and most important feast in Christianity, when Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus – and with it, the victory of life over death.

Easter falls on March 22 at the earliest and on April 25 at the latest. Easter Sunday is always the first Sunday after the first full moon after the beginning of spring. The roots of Easter lie in the Jewish Passover (Pesach) feast. The Easter season begins on Easter morning and ends 50 days later on Pentecost.

In the week before Easter, during what is called Holy Week, Christians remember the passion – Jesus’ path of suffering until his death. It encompasses the Last Supper (Maundy Thursday) and the day of Jesus’ crucifixion and death (Good Friday).

Easter Vigil is also celebrated in many Reformed churches. On this night (Holy Saturday), the sorrow over Jesus’ death turns into joy. Thus, during the Easter Vigil, the congregation lights an Easter candle, which burns for the entire period of joy until Pentecost. The services on Easter Sunday and Easter Monday are celebrated with much singing and candlelight. Easter week then focuses on the disciples, who walk from Jerusalem to Emmaus and recognize Jesus only when they eat together.