
Biotechnologies from helping to producing

Medicine and biotechnologies determine our everyday life. Most people owe their health, quality of life, life expectancy and sometimes even their lives (surviving) to the fascinating possibilities of today's medical and biotechnologies. At the same time, the question of whether everything that is medically and technologically feasible should be done is becoming increasingly urgent. Are there, or should there be, untransgressable boundaries for medicine? Where do we can find them? The Church wants to find answers and define theological ethics to these questions. The starting point of their reflection is the creatureliness of life and the human dignity that every human being possesses through his or her being made in the image of God.

In the past, the Protestant Church in Switzerland has taken up ethical and theological questions concerning all phases of life and will continue to do so in the future. To this end, we stay in dialogue with sister churches, the ecumenical community and international church institutions. In addition, we are in dialogue with the sciences as well as with political institutions and expert committees. The statements, expert opinions and statements from the Protestant Church in Switzerland intend to help people to find their own judgement with regard to bioethical questions.


Frank Mathwig, Senior Theology and Ethics Officer